SDK 1 (AI Gateway) – @livepeer/ai

Speakeasy SDK for the AI network APIs implemented by go-livepeer gateway node.


There is a single API group (tag) in the SDK which is called generate, which encompasses all the APIs exposed by the AI Network node today (we can add other API groups in the future if this changes).

It should be based on the OpenAPI schema generated by the ai-worker node:

There may be an OpenAPI overlay to make any changes on top of the schema before generating the SDK.

For example the overlay can add x-speakeasy-name-override and operationId tags to the methods and fields for a nice developer experience. But especially to have Speakeasy create SDKs with the exact same usage as the Studio SDK below (mostly naming). This will allow seamless transitioning between the 2 SDKs.

Primary Owner


Maintenance Responsibilities


~3-5 days of work.

Target Ship Date


SDK 2 (Studio) – livepeer

Speakeasy SDK for all the Studio APIs, implemented by livepeer/studio service.
